Waste Management has an obligation to help achieve Styrofoam recycling with a Styrofoam densifier

Styrofoam is a ubiquitous single-use plastic. If waste styrofoam is refused to be recycled, it will do more harm to the natural environment and human health than you might think. Even though it is not biodegradable, styrofoam can still be recycled. It's important to note, though, that doing so isn't as easy as throwing it in the nearest blue bin, but recycling styrofoam makes a lot of sense. Due to challenges in the recycling process, around 2.3 million tonnes of styrofoam end up in landfills globally each year and are not properly recycled, according to Rick Perez, founder of Avangar Innovative, a large waste and recycling optimization company.


The good news is that styrofoam densifier can help recyclers to easily recycle styrofoam. WM can be said to be the downstream of many industries. Waste Styrofoam from recycling centers has a wide range of sources, which may come from the styrofoam production industry, cutting industry, and waste Styrofoam fish boxes in the seafood industry. , construction industry, furniture packaging, etc. So the recycling center has a responsibility to help the society with styrofoam recycling. When styrofoam takes up space in landfills, it becomes a big waste management problem. Many people believe that styrofoam may take up to 500 years to decompose, but in fact it is basically indestructible and may also disrupt the ecological balance as a carrier of unknown organisms and chemicals. Styrofoam densifier is an essential step in the recycling process. This equipment mainly helps to reduce the volume of stryofoam. The compression ratio of GREENMAX Styrofoam densifier can reach 90:1. The main purpose is to reduce the freight and storage space in the recycling process.

The styrofoam compressed by the styrofoam densifier becomes a valuable industrial raw material and does not need to be landfilled and incinerated. These styrofoam ingots are used to make plastic particles, which are widely used in the manufacture of plastic products. You may be wondering, are there really recycling companies using styrofoam densifiers for recycling? Of course, many of GREENMAX's customers are friends in the recycling industry. Not only limited to the United States, one of GREENMAX's partners is from Argentina. They are engaged in recycling projects, mainly recycling metals. In recent years, the amount of styrofoam has increased. They are ready to carry out styrofoam recycling, mainly because the styrofoam recycling market is booming, and if these wastes are not disposed of in time, they take up a lot of storage space. Because the customer also recycles EPE foam, we recommend him to use styrofoam densifier M-C200 for recycling. At present, the recycling effect is very good, and styrofoam densifier also solves the customer's needs.