Termotécnica partners with ECO 2PR in France to promote EPS recycling with EPS compactor

Termotécnica launches the Recycle EPS webpage as it expands its activities in international markets, mostly using FarmFresh conservers to export Brazilian fruits. RecycleEPS.com provides specific recycling locations for styrofoam and through its interactive map you can find your nearest collection point in various countries, such as the UK, France and the Netherlands. As one of the largest EPS manufacturing companies in Latin America and a pioneer in the field of EPS recycling, Termotécnica has been working with major companies to recycle post-consumer EPS materials in recent years.

Termotécnica is also an important member of the Global Packaging Alliance, so what should we do with the EPS containers used to protect fruits after use? Termotécnica is committed to forming a closed loop of resources and improving the entire logistics cycle. It has established a partnership with the well-known French recycler ECO 2PR in France to collect these EPS packaging. In fact, ECO 2PR has already established a good cooperative relationship with GREENMAX.


In order to better recycle EPS packaging, ECO 2PR has established a long-term cooperative relationship with GREENMAX and purchased two EPS compactors to process EPS packaging. EPS packaging is usually in an expanded state, so it needs to be compressed using appropriate recycling equipment. , can be recycled. The two machines used by ECO 2PR are both EPS compactors of the GREENMAX Apolo series.

The model is A-C200 MS series. This equipment uses screw extrusion technology, does not require heating, and uses pure physical technology to compress EPS. At the same time, this equipment is different from the ordinary Apolo series EPS compactor. The MS series can handle high water content. High EPS packaging, such as EPS fish boxes with higher water content. The entire EPS compactor MS series is made of stainless steel, which can fully resist the erosion of seawater.


The EPS compactor compresses waste to one-fifth of its original volume through two main steps: crushing and screw extrusion. The A-C200 is a medium-power device. Achieving resource closed loop is one of the main tasks in the world, and GREENMAX is also actively responding to this requirement. We not only provide EPS compactors, but also buy back compressed EPS blocs.