Styro Re Cycle helps Edmonton with styrofoam recycling while also providing commercial recycling services to businesses - Styrofoam densifier

Canada has always paid close attention to the recycling of styrofoam and taken action. In the past year alone, Styro Re Cycle has diverted nearly 2,000 cubic meters of foam from landfill. If all the collected waste styrofoam were piled together, the pile would be as tall as the Stantec Tower in downtown Edmonton. The recycling company won a contract with the City of Edmonton for a foam collection and recycling proposal to help recycle styrofoam. Not only that, they also help related businesses with recycling and provide services for commercial recycling.


Printer World, a printer supplier and repair shop in Edmonton's west end, creates a lot of styrofoam packaging due to the packaging of new printers and related equipment and accessories. The company centrally stores the foam, which Styro Re Cycle collects every few weeks. It is precisely because of its cooperation with styrofoam recycling that Printer World has established a good brand image, brought convenience to customers, and helped downstream buyers handle styrofoam packaging. It is precisely because of this that it stands out from many peers.


Styro Re Cycle uses a styrofoam compactor to help reduce volume during the recycling process. This equipment uses screw extrusion technology and the compression ratio is usually around 50:1. We all know that the air in this material needs to be squeezed out during the recycling process of styrofoam, and the degree of compression is a key condition that determines the success of recycling. The compression ratio of GREENMAX Styrofoam densifier can reach 90:1. It has a higher compression ratio than conventional equipment. The compression ratio factor can be met. The biggest advantage of the styrofoam densifier is its high compression ratio. Although the energy consumption is greater than equipment that does not require heating, it can save a considerable amount of costs during transportation. If you have any questions about styrofoam densifier, you can consult GREENMAX.