EPS densifier helps achieve 100% recycling of EPS plastic worldwide and prolongs waste life cycle

This week, negotiations began in Punta del Este, Uruguay, under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC), which is working to create a global, legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, especially that which affects the marine ecosystem. The task before the delegates is onerous. From 2000 to 2019, global plastic production doubled from 2.34 Mt to 460 Mt, while plastic waste more than doubled over the same period, from 156 Mt to 353 Mt, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Metric tons In 2019 alone, 22 metric tons of plastic material leaked into the environment. By 2019, 109 tons had accumulated in rivers and 30 tons in oceans. Therefore, attention should be paid to the treatment of waste plastics, among which EPS plastic accounts for a large proportion.

The United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) requested resolution 5.14 to solve the problem of waste plastic pollution as soon as possible. These resolutions require the entire life cycle of plastic to be covered, so we should consider plastic pollution from all aspects. The two main links are to reduce the use of unnecessary plastic products from the source, and on the other hand, to strengthen garbage classification and recycle waste plastics.

For the unavoidable use of plastics, such as EPS packaging and PET plastic bottles used in various industries, we should use scientific methods to recycle them. Fortunately, GREENMAX has long helped related industries realize the complete recycling of EPS and PET! And this recycling scheme is a very complete total solution, helping plastic recycling to form a closed loop. It is also mentioned in various proposals that although chemical recycling methods have appeared, they are not as common as mechanical recycling methods, and the technology of using recycling equipment for recycling is more mature.

GREENMAX uses EPS densifier to recycle EPS waste

EPS densifier not only helps to recycle the global EPS waste, but also effectively solves the problem of high recycling cost. EPS densifier breaks EPS into small pieces, and then heats and melts to obtain EPS ingots, with a compression ratio of up to 90:1, which saves high transportation costs and labor costs. The use of EPS densifier is also an indispensable link in the process of recycling EPS. The reason why many EPS recycling projects fail is because there is no EPS compression. While GREENMAX provides EPS densifier, it also recycles compressed EPS ingots to make new plastic products. Completely solve the recycling and reuse problem of EPS, and also completely solve the problem of environmental pollution.