How to recycle Styrofoam packaging that comes from household appliances

The rigid white packaging foam used to protect TV sets, computers and other household appliances are called Styrofoam. There are usually #6 recycling symbols on this product.

Recycling of Styrofoam packing for homes is actually never done. Family Styrofoam packing is broken; you most likely purchase a piece of electronics today, receive a foam package, and then receive another a few days later. However, the material will occupy a lot of room in the home due to its big volume and lightweight nature. Too many people just toss the foam debris into the communal trash can instead of making the decision to save it.

Once in the trash can, the Styrofoam waste may finally end up in landfills. Because Styrofoam is not easy to degrade, the waste foam packaging will be there for hundreds of years, thus polluting our soil, water and the whole environment.

Recycling keeps Styrofoam packaging waste out of local landfills and then turns it into such everyday products as pictures frames, clothes hangers, and decorative moldings, etc.

While how to recycle Styrofoam packaging that comes from household appliances?

The first step in giving Styrofoam waste a second chance is to gather and compress the used packaging. Waste from Styrofoam packaging can be obtained through community recycling programs or big box stores. Transporting the heavy foam is perhaps the biggest challenge when it comes to recycling Styrofoam packing; it turns out that transporting it carelessly is not economical.

GREENMAX Styrofoam recycling machine can reduce the foam volume at a ratio of 50:1 and save much cost during transportation. The screw compression technology of the Styrofoam compactor brings great convenience to the recyclers, and the compacted Styrofoam blocks can be sold at a good price as well.

Since such Styrofoam compactor was put into use, the recycling rate of Styrofoam has been greatly increased. GREENMAX will fight side by side with you to create a brilliant tomorrow of Styrofoam recycling industry.